时间 | 任职单位 | 职务 |
2019年-2020年 |
英国 Cranfield University, Centre for Aeronautics | 访问学者 |
2010年-2018年 | 澳门沙金网址2158 | 副教授 |
2007年-2009年 | 澳门沙金网址2158 | 助理研究员 |
2005年-2007年 | 清华大学计算机系智能技术与系统国家重点实验室 | 博士后 |
2004年-2004年 | 上海航空测控技术研究所六室 | 工程师 |
1996年-1997年 | 江苏省兴化市燃料总公司 | 技术员 |
时间 | 毕业院校 | 学历 |
2000年-2003年 | 南京理工大学 | 博士 |
1997年-2000年 | 南京理工大学 | 硕士 |
1992年-1996年 | 西安石油大学 | 本科 |
(6)柔性飞行器控制 。
(1)极端工况柔性翼身融合飞机主动安全增强控制方法研究,主持,国家级,自然科学基金面上(No. 52272400), 2023~2026;
(4)针对典型场景的控制技术研究 ,主持,省部级,2018.1-2020.12 ;
(9)目标跟踪系统方法研究,主持,省部级,上海市航天基金, 2009~2012;
(10)致远一号演示验证飞艇飞行控制系统研制, 主持,校级,2007.5 -2009.12;
(11)纵列式无人直升机智能故障诊断与自修复控制, 主持,国家级,自然科学基金面上(No.10577012), 2006~2008;
(12)平流层飞艇动力推进控制与自主控制技术基础研究, 主持,国家级,博士后基金, 2005~2007;
(13)直升机完好性与使用监测系统(HUMS),参研,省部级,2004.2-2004.8 。
刘世前. 现代飞机飞行力学与控制(大飞机出版工程丛书),上海交通大学出版社,上海,2014.12,(2015.3被评为上海交通大学优秀教材一等奖) 。
刘世前. 现代飞机飞行力学与控制,上海交通大学出版社,上海,2018(第二版)。
刘世前. 现代飞机飞行力学与控制,上海交通大学出版社,上海,2023(第三版)。
(1) Shiqian Liu , Weizhi Lyu , Congjie Yang , Fei-Yue Wang , James F. Whidborne, Neural Network Observer based LPV Fault Tolerant Control of a Flying-wing Aircraft, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2023, pp1-15, available online, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10336547
(2)Shiqian Liu, James F. Whidborne, Weizhi Lyu, Qian Zhang,Observer based incremental backstepping terminal sliding-mode control for a multivectored propeller airship,Aerospace Science and Technology,Vol. 140, Sep 2023, 108490
(3)Souanef Toufik., Whidborne James, Liu Shiqian, L1 Adaptive Path-following of Airships in Wind[J], Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems, 2023: 1-13. Available online, DOI: 10.1142/S2301385024500298
(4) Zhenjie Ma, Shiqian Liu, Weizhi Lyu, Kuan Wang. Backstepping sliding mode based anti-skid braking control for a civil aircraft. Aerospace Systems, 2023. 6: 187-197
(5)Souanef Toufik., Whidborne James, Liu Shiqian,L1 Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Control of Stratospheric Airships,CEAS Aeronautical Journal,(accepted),pp.1-22,2023,11
(1)Liu Shiqian, Whidborne James., Song Sipeng, Lyu Weizhi, Adaptive backstepping nonsingular terminal sliding-mode attitude control of flexible airships with actuator faults[J], MDPI, Aerospace, 2022, 9(4): 1-26. 209.
(1)Liu Shiqian, Whidborne James, Chumalee Sunan, Disturbance observer enhanced neural network LPV control for a blended-wing-body large aircraft[J], IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2021, 57(5): 2689-2703.
(2) Cheng, H.H, Liu, S.Q, Ma, X.J. Neural network incremental dynamic inversion-based trajectory tracking control of an aircraft with pilot mishandling[J]. Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, 2021, 53(1): 45-58
(3) Liu S.Q., Whidborne J. F., He L., Backstepping sliding-mode control of stratospheric airships using disturbance-observer[J], Advances in Space Research, 2021, 67(3), 1174-1187
(4)Liu Shiqian, Whidborne James, Observer-based incremental backstepping sliding-mode fault-tolerant control for blended-wing-body aircrafts[J],Neurocomputing, 2021, 464: 546-561.
(5)Ma Xinjian, Liu Shiqian, Cheng, Huihui, Lyu Weizhi, Signal reconstruction and disturbance observer-based fault-tolerant control for civil aircrafts[J], Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 2021, 94(2): 226-239.
(6)Ma Xinjian, Liu Shiqian, Cheng Huihui Civil Aircraft fault tolerant attitude tracking based on extended state observers and nonlinear dynamic inversion[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics. 2021, 32(6): 1-8.
(7)Liu Shiqian, Whidborne James, Neural network adaptive backstepping fault tolerant control for unmanned airships with multi-vectored thrusters[J], Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2021,235(11): 1507-1520.
(1) Shi Qian Liu, Yuan JunSang, James F. Whidborne, Adaptive sliding-mode-back- stepping trajectory tracking control of underactuated airships, Aerospace Science and Technology, 97,2020, 105610, pp.1-13 , available online
(2) Xudong Wang, Shiqian Liu, Huihui Cheng, Yuanjun Sang, Xinjian Ma, Stable inversion based fault-tolerant autolanding control of civil aircrafts, Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, 2020, Series A 52(3):229 – 250
(3) Guangrui Zhou, Shiqian Liu, Yuanjun Sang, Xiaopeng Jia, Erzhuo Niu, LPV Robust Servo Control of Aircraft Active Side-sticks, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology,92(4),2020:599-609
(1) Liu S. Q., Sang Y. J., Jin H. B., Robust model predictive control for stratospheric airships using LPV design[J], Control Engineering Practice, 2018 (81): 231-243;(SCI)
(2) Liu S. Q., Sang Y. J., Underactuated stratospheric airship trajectory control using an adaptive integral backstepping approach [J], Journal of Aircraft, 2018, 55 (6): 2357-2371;(SCI)
(1) Liu S. Q., Gong S. J., Li Y. X., et al. Vectorial backstepping method based trajectory tracking control for an underactuted stratospheric airship[J], The Aeronautical Journal, 2017,121(1241): 916-938 ;(SCI)
(2) Xianglong Liangqing, Shiqian Liu, Zhengren Lu, Erzhuo Niu, Adaptive sliding mode based servo tracking control of aircraft's active inceptor control systems. Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, Vol.49, No.4, 2017, 385 – 396 ;(SCI)
(3) 吕聪,刘世前,卢正人,等.基于干扰观测器的二元机翼颤振抑制及阵风载荷减缓方法研究[J].科学技术与工程,2017, 136-142
(1) Gong S.J., Liu S.Q., Li Y.X., Lv C., Fast robust adaptive backstepping control with its application to fault tolerant flight envelope protection[J]. Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation,2016, 48(1): 19-26;(SCI)
(1) Jianchen Yi, Shiqian Liu, Xun Sun, SijieGong, Cong Lv,Sliding Mode Control Reconfiguration of Actuator Faults for a Large Civil Aircraft using Fixed-point Iteration Control Allocation, Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation,2014, Vol46, No.4, 261-269
(2) 郑凌霄, 刘世前, 李元祥, 骆建华, 衣建臣,基于LPV鲁棒滤波器的大型民机作动器故障检测,信息与控制,2014,Vol.43,No.5:596-603
(1) 柴树梁,刘世前,范跃杰,郑凌霄. 基于模型跟随直接自适应的大型民用飞机操纵面故障控制重构设计,信息与控制,2013,Vol.42,No.5, 639-644
(2) 范跃杰,刘世前,柴树梁,朱家强,动压-过载约束下无人机追逃最优机动决策研究,计算机仿真,2013,Vol.30, No.8,46-49,388
(3)尹雯,李元祥,周则明,刘世前, 基于稀疏表示的遥感图像融合方法,光学学报, Vol.33, No.4, 0428003-1-8,2013
(1) 张文山,王文,李铮,罗生,刘世前,反导制导滤波技术研究,弹箭与制导学报,第32卷,第2期, 19-21,28页,2012
(1) 张翊安,刘世前,敬忠良,蔡昆. 基于雷达和红外融合对高机动目标跟踪仿真研究.计算机仿真. 第28卷,第10期, 23-27,2011
(1) Shi Qian Liu, Jun Guo Lu, Zhong Liang Jing. Trajectory Linearization Based Output Tracking Control of an Unmanned Tandem Helicopter with Variance Constraints. International Journal of control, automatic system,2010, 18(6), 1257-1270;(SCI)
(2) 张建鹏,刘世前,敬忠良. 基于MSP430的舵机控制系统设计.微电机.2010. Vol.43,No. 1, 46-49
(1) 施兴祖,刘世前,敬忠良. 低空小飞艇中的舵机控制系统设计. 计算机工程, 2009. Vol.35, No.16,237-239
(2) 王须刚,刘世前,胡士强. 基于HLA和Vega的空空对抗演练仿真系统. 计算机工程, 2009. Vol.35, No.15, 256-261
(3) 刘世前,施维,沈 勇.基于信息熵的纵列式无人直升机操纵控制系统故障树诊断. 系统仿真学报. 第21卷, 4424-4428, 2009
(1) 刘世前,朱纪洪,胡金春. 线性离散周期系统的区域极点/H2指标满意控制. 火力指挥与控制. 2008,Vol.33 No.01, 21-24
(1) 刘世前, 朱纪洪, 胡金春. 柔性飞机阵风载荷减缓飞行控制律设计.系统仿真学报, 2007.19(11), 2519-2522
(2) 刘世前, 胡金春, 沈勇.基于协方差配置的飞机阵风减缓与乘坐品质控制. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2007.47(07), 1201-1203,1207
(3) Liu shiqian, Zhu Jihong, Hu Jinchun, Wang Yuangang. Satisfactory Control of Linear Discrete Periodic Systems. Control and Application. 2007. 5(1), 12-16
(4) 蒋余芬,朱纪洪,刘世前. 基于协同仿真的柔性机翼动力学建模及应用,计算机应用研究. 2007. Vol.24, No.5: 231-233
(1) 蒋余芬,朱纪洪,刘世前. 弹性机翼动力学建模与仿真, 系统仿真学报. 2006.Vol.18(Suppl.2), 5-12
(1) 刘世前,王远刚,盛安冬,郭 治. 线性离散周期系统满意估计,控制理论与应用. 2005. Vol.22 (3): 359-363
(1) Liu Shiqian, Wang yuangang, Sheng Andong, Guo Zhi. Satisfactory Filter of Linear Periodical Systems with Parameter Uncertainty. ACTA Automatica Sinica, 2004, 30(3):345-350
(2) 刘世前,郭治,王远钢,钱龙军,期望极点/小静差周期跟踪系统的满意控制,南京理工大学学报.28(4).341-345, 2004
(1) 刘世前,郭 治,王远钢,盛安冬.多频采样系统航迹的周期滤波算法.兵工学报.2003,24 (2): 1-5
(1) 刘世前,郭 治,王远钢,程相权. 基于满意滤波的目标图像跟踪.兵工学报.2002, 23(4): 481-485
(2) 程相权, 郭治, 余海,刘世前. 极点/方差指标下一类系统的满意控制.火力指挥与控制. 2002,27(2): 20-22
(3) 刘世前,郭治,钱龙军,王远钢.期望指标下一类线性周期系统鲁棒状态估计.控制与决策.2002, Vol.17 (6): 843-846
(1) 刘世前,盛安冬,郭治.区域极点/H∞指标下一类线性周期系统的鲁棒滤波.东南大学学报.2001. Vol.31 (4A): 59-62
(1)Lyu Weizhi, Liu Shiqian, Ma Zhenjie, Zhao Peng, Jia Xiaopeng, Barrier Lyapunov Function-Based Fault-tolerant Adaptive Control for the Large Civil Aircraft Systems with Uncertainties and Faults[C], Advances in Guidance, Navigation and Control: Proceedings of 2022 International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control., Springer, Singapore. 2023, vol. 845: 6400-6409
(2)Xie Xinhong, Liu Shiqian, Lyu Weizhi. Attitude control of civil aircraft in complex scenes based on Reinforcement Learning[C], Advances in Guidance, Navigation and Control: Proceedings of 2022 International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control., Springer, Singapore. 2023.
(3) Dai Ruanjingzhou, Liu Shiqian, Lyu Weizhi. Air Collision Avoidance Method of Civil Aircraft Based on Reinforcement Learning[C]//2022 International Conference on Cyber-Physical Social Intelligence (ICCSI). IEEE, Nanjing, 2022: 524-529.
(4)Cheng Huihui, Liu Shiqian, Ma Xinjian, Xie Xinhong, Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Based Fault Tolerant Control for Pilot Error and Actuator Faults[C], Advances in Guidance, Navigation and Control: Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control., Springer, Singapore., Springer, Singapore. 2022, vol. 644: 2789-2800
(5) Zhou G.R., Liu S.Q, Qin T. C., Wang X. D., Sang Y. J., Envelope protection control for an active side stick system of the large civil aircrafts,2018 IEEE Chinese Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference(2018 IEEE/CSAA) 2018.Xiamen, China, Aug.10-12, 307-312
(6) Liang Q. X.L., Liu S.Q., LQR and SMC based stick-force tracking of active sidesticks in human-in-the-loop system, The international Conference on Aerospace System Science and Engineering (ICASSE 2017), Shanghai , China, 2017,pp.1-5
(7) LIU Shiqian, Lu Zhengren, Liangqing Xianglong, Modeling and multimodal cue control of the human in the loop based on active side stick technique, 2016 IEEE Chinese Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Nanjing, 2016. 8.12-14,pp2973-2976
(8) Lv Cong, LIU Shiqian, Lu Zhengren, Modeling and Structure Characteristics Analysis for Flexible, High Aspect Ratio Flying Wings,2016 IEEE Chinese Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Nanjing, 2016.8.12-14,pp2988-2992
(9) Y.X. Li, Q. Hu, S. Q. Liu, Wind-shear prediction with airport LIDAR data. Proc. of IGARSS12, Munich, Germany, July 2012, 3704-3707
(10) W.F.Qiao, Y.X. Li, S. Q. Liu, X. Liu, Tropical cyclones similarity analysis based on manifold learning. Proc. of IGARSS12, Munich, Germany, July 2012. 6043-6046
(11) 张翊安,刘世前,敬忠良. 雷达红外并行融合算法及其在机动目标跟踪中的应用. 第二届全国信息融合学术年会论文集.中国航空学会信息融合分会,杭州. 2010.06, 229-234.
(12) 刘世前,施维,吴 科. 基于Volterra模型的无人直升机非线性故障诊断. 尖兵之翼——2008中国无人机大会论文集,北京,2008. (上册):14-22
(13) S. Q. Liu , Z. G. Wang, H. B. Jin, Support vector machine based fault diagnosis for an unmanned tandem helicopter[C], Proceedings of 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Chongqing, China, June 25-28, 2008, 1261 – 1265
(14) 刘世前,朱纪洪,段登平.平流层飞艇自主飞行与推力矢量满意控制. 国家863专题研讨会论文集,长沙,2008.295-301
(15) 施维, 刘世前, 朱亮. 基于动态逆方法的纵列式无人直升机姿态控制. 2008年航空宇航科学与技术博士生学术论坛,南京,2008.10,143-147
(16) 刘世前,朱纪洪,胡士强. 基于特征结构配置的弱静安定飞机增稳控制律设计. 中国航空学会第12次飞行器操纵与控制学术交流会. 福建泰宁. 2007.13~17
(17) Liu Shiqian, Hu Jinchun. Fault Diagnosis Using Covariance Assignment and Regional Pole Placement of T-S Fuzzy Observers. Dynamical Systems & Applications. Vol.4. CESA’2006, Oct 4-6, 2006, Beijing, China: 602-606
(18) Liu Shiqian,Zhu Jihong, Flight Control for Hovering a Tandem Rotor Helicopter Based on Fuzzy Neural Network,Edited by C.Cao and X.Liu, Watam Press, Waterloo. Proceedings of the 3rd ICIDSA’06,July 2006, (ICIDSA’06), OUC, July,2006.Qingdao, China: 642-645
(19) Xingli Huang, Jihong Zhu, Shiqian Liu, Peifa Jia. Neural Network Adaptive Control for Small Unmanned Tandem Helicopter. Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, June 2006, Dalian, China, 9302~9306.
(20) Feng Qingtang, Jiang Zhihong, Zhu Jihong, Liu Shiqian. Fixed Structure Flight Control Law Design Based on Genetic Algorithm. Proceeding of Multiconference on Computational Engineering in Systems Applications (CESA’2006), Beijing, China: 659-662, Oct 4-6, 2006
(21) Zijing Zhou, Jinchun Hu, Shiqian Liu, Badong Chen. System Identification of UAV Based on EWC-LMS. Proceeding of Multiconference on Computational Engineering in Systems Applications (CESA’2006), Oct 4-6, 2006, Beijing, China: 721-726
(22) Liu Shi-qian, Ma Jian-wei. Satisfactory Control of Periodically Sampled Digital Channels. Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Control and Automation, IEEE ICCA’02, Xiamen, China, 2002: 1274-1278
(1) 刘世前; 基于模型跟随的直接自适应控制重构方法及其在大型民机飞行控制中的运用, 2013-3-25, 中国, ZL 2013.0325122.1. (专利);
(2) 刘世前; 敬忠良; 多平台目标跟踪与分布交互仿真系统, 2009-1-8, 中国, ZL200910045001.7. (专利);
(3) 刘世前; 张建鹏; 低空飞艇飞行控制系统及其飞行控制方法, 2010-11-9, 中国,ZL201010535136.4. (专利);
(4) 刘世前; 电传飞行控制飞机综合测试飞行模拟数据激励仿真软件, 1858941, 2017-2-14. (软件著作权);
(5) 刘世前,梁青祥龙,民机人在回路系统、主动侧杆伺服跟踪控制系统及方法,中国, 201810584453.1 (专利);
(6) 刘世前; 周光锐; 桑元俊; 民用飞机辅助驾驶控制方法、系统及飞行品质评估方法, 2020-1-20, 中国, ZL202010021972.4. (专利);
(7) 刘世前,马欣健,程慧慧, 谢新宏,马珍杰,民用飞机飞控传感器信号重构容错控制方法,中国, ZL.202110375183.5 (专利)。(8)刘世前,马珍杰,吕为志,张前,陈韩,杨从杰,戴阮径舟。民用飞机防滑刹车控制方法,中国, CN202310306468.2 (专利)。
(1)IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 副主编;