Control of Small Scale Unmanned Aircraft Systems Under Wind Conditions
发布时间:2016-03-10  阅读次数:-

主讲人:陈文华(英国拉夫堡大学 航空与汽车工程系教授)

时   间:2016年3月22日(周二)下午1:30-3:00

地   点:空天大楼 一楼学术报告厅

主   题:Control of small scale unmanned aircraft systems under wind conditions


Small unmanned aerial vehicles are finding a wide range of applications including aerial survey, remote sensing, and close-in infrastructure inspection. However, they are quite vulnerable to wind conditions and gust due to their low mass and inertia. This talk explains the application of Disturbance Observer Based Control (DOBC) in flight control system design for small scale unmanned aerial vehicles. It will give an overview of the disturbance observer based control technique and explain its novelty and significance. Then it will be applied to control both helicopters and fixed wing aircraft for waypoint tracking and path following in the presence of wind conditions. Video clips of the flight tests will be shown in the talk. 


陈文华, 1988 和1991年获东北大学工业自动化专业硕士和博士学位。现任英国拉夫堡大学航空与汽车工程系教授,北京航空航天大学教授。主要从事模型预测控制以及非线性干扰观察器控制等方面的研究, 近年来陈文华主要致力于控制,信号处理,决策及人工智能在航空及其它领域的应用。先后共指导20多名博士及博士后. 曾获英国机械工程学会Charles Shape Beecher奖。陈文华曾任全英华人自动化与计算机协会主席,  英国国家自主系统技术委员会委员。为英国注册工程师(CEng),工程与技术学会Fellow (原IEE),机械工程学会 Fellow。  


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