Space 4.0 - Motivation through Inspiration
发布时间:2017-04-07  阅读次数:-

报告题目:Space 4.0 - Motivation through Inspiration



主讲人:Jan Wörner, Director General, European Space Agency













     ESA as THE European Space Agency is responsible for bringing together the intentions of 22 European Member States and Canada. This special positions enables ESA to play the role of a facilitator for global cooperation projects. The lecture will cover concrete missions as well as political aspects of cooperation. Using real examples the presentation will allow to get an understanding how cooperation in a very diverse environment can work and what the restrictions are. In addition the value of space activities for societal aspects will be highlighted. This includes technology transfer, spin in and spin off. Finally the strategic way forward to come to projects in the future will be explained by using concrete visionary ideas. 



      Jan Wörner, Director General, European Space Agency. Jan Woerner was born in Kassel, Germany, in 1954. He studied civil engineering at the Technical University (TU) Berlin and TU Darmstadt, from where he graduated in 1985. In 1982, as part of his studies, he spent one year in Japan, investigating earthquake safety of nuclear power plants. Until 1990, Mr. Woerner worked for consulting civil engineers Koenig und Heunisch.


      In 1990 he returned to TU Darmstadt, where he was appointed as a professor of Civil Engineering and took over as Head of the Test and Research Institute. Before being elected as President of TU Darmstadt in 1995, he held the position of Dean of the newly established Civil Engineering Faculty. Jan Woerner headed the university from 1995 to 2007 and succeeded in making it the first autonomous university of the Federal Republic of Germany.


      From March 2007 to June 2015, he served as Chairman of the Executive Board of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). He became the ESA Director General on 1 July 2015.

      Jan Wörner has received honorary doctorates from New York State University at Buffalo (USA), Technical Universities of Bucharest (Romania) and Mongolia, the Saint Petersburg University for Economics and Finance (Russia) and École Centrale de Lyon (France). He has received the Federal Cross of Merit (Officer's cross, 1st class) of the Federal Republic of Germany for his continuous efforts regarding the next generation of scientists and Germany as a location for Science, Technology and Engineering. He has furthermore been awarded the honours of Knight of the French Légion d’Honneur.


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