Dynamical Systems Synchronizations
发布时间:2013-12-07  阅读次数:-

报告题目: Dynamical Systems Synchronizations
报 告 人: Albert C.J. Luo, Professor, 美国南伊利诺伊大学爱德华分校机械工程系,ASME Fellow
时    间: 2013年12月9上午10:00-11:30(星期一)
地    点: 闵行校区 空天大楼4楼会议室
邀请单位:   澳门沙金网址2158 
邀 请 人:   敬忠良 教授,长江学者

Albert C.J. Luo简介:主要从事非线性动力学系统理论与应用方面的研究,提出了多种新的理论和新的研究方法,取得了许多新的突破,主要包括:不连续动力学系统的局部奇异性理论;非线性动力学系统中的周期与混沌解析;哈密顿系统随机层共振分析;动力学系统同步控制;非线性变形体理论。至今为止发表系列专著11部,参编著作9部,汇编会议论文书10部,参编专刊8期。发表论文SCI收录100多篇,EI收录 150多 篇。担任10多个期刊的特约审稿人,同时是部分期刊的主编与编委. 此外,组织国际会议与论坛30多次。
Albert C.J. Luo received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (1984) and M.S. in Engineering Mechanics (1990) in China and Ph.D. in Applied Mechanics (1996) in Canada. During 1996-1998, he was an NSERC (Canada) post-doctoral fellow at UC Berkeley. From 1998-present, Dr. Luo have worked at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville as Assistant/Associate Professor. During 20 year research experience, Dr. Luo developed stochastic and resonant layer theories in nonlinear Hamiltonian systems; a local theory for non-smooth dynamical systems on connectable domains. In addition, Dr, Luo also developed an approximate plate theory; a large damage theory for anisotropic materials and a generalized fractal theory. He has published over 130 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers. Dr. Luo has served editors for the Journal “Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical simulation” and two book series on Nonlinear Science and Complexity. Dr. Luo is the editorial member for IMeCh E Part K Journal of Multibody Dynamics and Journal of Vibration and Control. He also organized over 10 international symposiums and conferences on Dynamics and Control.

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